Pure Muslim Match - The Marriage Agency for Practising Muslims who Pray 5x a day 

Est. 2016

A confidential service with members from over 60 countries!

وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَكُم مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا لِّتَسْكُنُوا إِلَيْهَا وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَكُم مَّوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy.  Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. 

[The Noble Qur’an 30:21]

101+ PROFILE Matches Made in 2023

Looking for a partner who shares your Islamic values can be a daunting task. Our team is here to help!

We personally select matches for you, based on your preferences, saving you the time & hassle of sifting through incompatible profiles.

For practising Muslims who pray 5x a day

All Muslimas involve their Wali/Mahram

100% no free mixing between members



The Pure Muslim Match team are very professional and deliberate. They take time to find and recommend compatible matches. May Allah reward them ameen.

~ Fatima


This brother has come along way with this service allahuma baarak. Always worked hard and maintained strictness. 1 of the few matrimonial sites upon the sunnah that actually do that. Allahuma baarak.

~ Yunus


Pure Muslim Match feels truly halal as a platform, and definitely one I have recommended to my single friends, as marriage isn’t something we want to start off on any kind of haram-footing.

During my time looking for a spouse, I found the admin’s efforts to be very personalized, considerate, and respectful. I wish more Muslims knew about this.

~ Nad


Very good and useful service. Highly recommend it to all single Muslims.

~ Uzair


Alhamdullilah this service has been very helpful for me, especially with the help of the admin picking out the most matching profiles, may Allah reward everyone behind the site.

~ Rubab


MashaAllah very thorough at explaining any queries. Quick to respond.

~ Nadia

The Way The Service Works

The way the service works is that once you have completed your registration and profile a thorough search for matches is conducted based on your preferences and the information provided. An admin then notifies you through email or phone of any potential matches that have been found.

Members' profiles are kept private and will only be shared between mutually matched members who have given their consent.

At Pure Muslim Match, we are committed to making your journey as smooth and successful as possible.  The service is quite different from others, in that you don't need to waste time browsing profiles to find matches, as it's done for you in the background and we aim to help you avoid any haram, in compliance with the Shariah.

Super Affordable!

Our marriage agency is committed to making the journey of marriage accessible and affordable for everyone. We understand the importance of providing a budget-friendly solution, which is why we offer membership options at affordable prices. Choose from 3 affordable subscription options that won’t break the bank!

If a potential match that aligns with your profile isnt found within three months of subscription, you can request a 12-month Subscription, for FREE!

Promoted Profiles

Normally, profiles are protected by passwords and kept private. However, the members below have requested that their profiles be included in the promoted profiles section.

Wali/Mahram involvement 

Pure Muslim Match is exclusively designed for practising Muslims who are committed to finding a marriage partner.


We have a 100% No-Free-Mixing policy. After you and another member match we correspond between you both relaying your messages to each other until marriage talks progress to a stage where you both want to request your contact details be exchanged between the Suitor and the Muslmas Wali/Mahram, insha’Allah.

We understand that Muslimas may sometimes struggle to find a mahram/Wali. In this instance, we offer help and support with finding a sharia-compliant Wali/mahram, insha'Allah. i.e, an Imam from a Masjid.  

May Allah grant you ease in your search and success in this life and the next, Ameen.

Member Statistics on the 5th August 2020

  • 90% of female members said they wear hijab. 18.1% said they wear niqab. 90% 90%
  • 76.7% of female members said they read Qur'an every week. 27.3% said they read Qura'n everyday. 76.7% 76.7%


100% of members said they pray 5x a day. 18.2% of females &15.1% of males said they accidently miss Fajr, praying it afterwards.


94.1% of male members said they avoided free mixing. 68.8% said they do not free mix, whilst 25.3% said they only free-mix at work.

  • 78.2% of male members said they grow their beard at least to fist lengh. 45.3% said they never cut their beard. 78.2% 78.2%
  • 74.8% of of male members said they read Qur'an every week. 35.5% said they read Qura'n everyday day. 74.8% 74.8%


100% of members said they pray 5x a day. 18.2% of females &15.1% of males said they accidently miss Fajr, praying it afterwards.

  • 78.2% of male members said they grow their beard at least to fist lengh. 45.3% said they never cut their beard. 78.2% 78.2%
  • 74.8% of of male members said they read Qur'an every week. 35.5% said they read Qura'n everyday day. 74.8% 74.8%

Pure Muslim Match - The marriage agency for practicing Muslims!


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Who runs Pure Muslim Match?

Assalamu alaikum wa'rahmatulahi wa'barakatuhu,

My name is Danial Abdulrahman.  I started this marriage agency in around 2016.  I follow the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah and my number one priority is is to please Allah with the way this service is run.  From a humble beginning, Pure Muslim Match has now grown to reach a worldwide audience.

May Allah ease your search for a spouse and grant us all success in this life and the next. Ameen.   


How diverse are the members?

Our members are very diverse.  We have members who are English, American, Pakistani, Moroccan, Kenyan, Palestinian, Bangladeshi, Saudi, and many other members from other backgrounds too.  We have Dr's, engineers, drivers, IT professionals, black, white, brown... One of the things the vast majority of Pure Muslim Matchs members have in common is that they are practising Muslims, insha'Allah.

In Soorat al-Hujuraat Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allaah is that (believer) who has al-taqwa [i.e., is one of the muttaqoon or pious]. Verily, Allaah is All-Knowing, All-Aware” 

[al-Hujuraat 49:13] 

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is reported to have said: “O people! Verily your Lord is One and your father [Adam] is one. An Arab is no better than a non-Arab, and a non-Arab is no better than an Arab; a red man is no better than a black man and a black man is no better than a red man – except if it is in terms of taqwa (piety)…”

Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 22391; al-Silsilat al-Saheeh, 2700).

How do you know the members are practising?

The way this service is operating its not really the type of service that non-practising Muslims would be interested in, because we don't facilitate any free-mixing.   

The suitors are only put into contact with the Muslimas Wali/Mahram and so it is quite pointless for a non-practising Muslim to join. 

If a non-practising Muslim joined they will just end up wasting their time and hit a brick wall when the Wali performs his duty of protecting the Muslima who is under his care. 

Pure Muslim Match is a waste of time for non-practising Muslims, the service restricts them too much, and the other members (generally speaking) are not interested in non-practising Muslims anyway, so it is quite pointless for non-practising Muslims to join in the first place.

Its important to make sure you do your due diligence on anyone you consider for marriage.  Check with their community, the Masjids, imams, and your local connections to get extra references, insha'Allah.  

How long does it take to find a match?

We search for matches based on what people say they are looking for.  The more flexible someone is about their search criteria the easier it is to find a match.  

i.e. If someone is flexible about marrying someone who's is older than them, or flexible about marrying outside their own ethnic background, then this could greatly increase the success rate of finding a good match.  But if someones search criteria is restricted to only marrying from their own ethnicity and they have conditions, for example, like needing to marry a Dr and they won't accept anyone who's a year older than them then this will most likely take longer to find a match.

Will my information be visible to non-members?

Profiles are password protected.  Someone would need to know the password in order to view a profile.  We only give out the password to people you give us permission to share it with. Your personal details such as your email address and date of birth are never shown on your profile. 


Having said this though, it would be a possibility that you give us permission to share your profile view password with another member and then that member then gives out your password to someone else who you did not give permission to view your profile.

If you want your profile to be kept more private from being seen by others after you share it with a member, you can request that we confirm with the member that they won’t share it with anyone else and we can also ask them to confirm when they have read your profile and we can then change your password afterwards so that it can not be viewed by them again (or anyone else who doesn’t have the new password you set.)   


We never display any personal information on profiles (such as phone numbers or email addresses etc.) this information can only be given to another member once you both agree that you are a match and have decided to continue talks outside of our marriage agency service (with the Muslimas mahram involved).  At this point (with your consent) the Muslimas wali/mahram and suitors contact details are exchanged.


How will you keep all details confidential?

Nobody has access to anyones profile unless the member gives us permission.  Personal details such as phone numbers or email addresses are never shown on a members profile and these details would only be given out when a member matches with another member and they both request that their contact details are exchanged (the Muslima would need to involve her Wali/Mahram and then we would allow the suitor to have her mahrams contact details). 

We keep all your data stored and protected by passwords.  We never give these details to anyone else (unless required by law, i.e. police request etc.) 

Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Betray not Allah and His Messenger, nor betray knowingly your Amanat (things entrusted to you, and all the duties which Allah has ordained for you)”

[al-Anfaal 8:27]

“Verily! Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those, to whom they are due”

[an-Nisa’ 4:58].

How are the details kept secure?

Security of your data is vitally important to us.  The details you provide are protected by passwords. 

We don’t give out any of your details unless you give permission.  

When processing payments we use secure payment processors.